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Archive for the ‘Document Shredding’ Category

What to Know About Document Scanning Projects

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Too much paperworkDoes your office have too many filing cabinets? Is your desk covered with racks of folders? Sounds like it might be time for you to consider scanning all those documents for a digital archive instead of letting your paperwork fill up your whole office.

It can take a lot of time. Think about the last time you used a copier machine. It probably took longer than you expected. Even using the document feeder, just one drawer of a filing cabinet can take a lot of time to scan. Don’t forget that it will take longer if the documents have been stapled together or even more inconvenient, bound.  If you’re planning to use in-house resources to get your documents all scanned, make sure to schedule it in intervals so you won’t lose access to documents you need. (more…)

Shred sensitive documents for maximum personal security.It’s obvious that today’s world is becoming increasingly paperless with many companies choosing to store their files and communicate electronically. Identity thieves are focused more on digital crimes than on rummaging through your dumpster looking for paperwork with sensitive information on it, but that doesn’t mean your dumpster is now safe. We recommend not taking any chances and shredding documents before disposal.

Wondering what documents need shredding? (more…)

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