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Archive for the ‘Duplication and Replication’ Category

Up-To-Date Data Storage

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Pop quiz! Do you know what the following acronyms stand for?

  1. VHS
  2. VCR
  3. CD
  4. DVD
  5. BD
  6. HD
  7. DJ

(See bottom of article for answers.) (more…)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) fundamentally changed how insurance companies, healthcare facilities, and data management firms duplicated, transferred, and stored electronic public health information (ePHI).

HIPAA created specific standards for protecting the privacy of all ePHI as part of an overall initiative to encourage the healthcare industry to make it easier for consumers to have their health records travel with them. As it became easier for various individuals, healthcare professionals, companies and organizations to handle and access a person’s health records electronically, it also made it harder to keep that information out of the wrong hands.


Disc Duplication vs. Replication

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Disc duplication vs. replication – how do you choose? People often confuse the two, but they are two entirely difference processes with different costs and production times. (more…)

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